I decided to tell stories via the legs while referring to the expression Show me Some Legs or show a little leg, which seems to come from the movies where female characters showed their legs in order to get picked up quicker while hitchhiking. I’m giving it a twist, as in these cases I’m making the legs do a humourous roleplay in which they, the legs, find themselves in situations where the spectator can imagine what they are thinking or feeling. This series talks about roleplaying while getting to understand yourself. I’ts about my relationship with myself and the world around me.

Maternity in Red
Maternity In Red
In a Kubrik inspired setting, evoking a hospital this series walks through some stages of how the process of giving birth to a first baby can feel. Trying to put yourself in their position and trying to understand how they feel, think perceive the world through their perspective. sometimes you feel alone and in an unknown scary yet playful adventure of motherhood. That moment when your role as a person suddenly change and It takes a while for you to understand that the person you were is no longer there, and will never be again.

Cat- Dog
This image is a Hitchcock-inspired image evoking the shower scene from Psycho. It represents the feeling of exhaustion and almost surrender to our everyday tasks and obligations whilst having the fear of losing ourselves in the process.

San Alejo (Clutter Room)


I Can't Find Myself
I Can’t Find Myself
This project is about my relationship with myself, reflected upon my relationship with my purse as an analogy to my mind and emotions. Every woman knows the unique relationship we have with our purse and what we chose to carry around with us at all times.
